You and your staff are experts at what you do.

Still, maximizing your subrogation results isn’t always easy.

Every day you’re faced with competing priorities, adjusters without the time or expertise to identify subrogation opportunities, systems that are not designed to maximize your subro processes, complex and frequently changing state-specific regulations, and overwhelming file loads.

We get it. The result of all this leads to a number of less than optimal situations; missed subrogation recoveries, turnover from frustrated employees, entire departments not achieving their yearly goals, filing deadlines that have come and gone, etc. We know it can be frustrating. That’s where SubroIQ can help.

A unique blend of people and technology to make a difference.

Using predictive analytic modeling and a wide range of proprietary processes, we can help to alleviate the pressures of optimizing your subro program. And we do it more quickly and more effectively as well, all without the need for a new system implementation within your environment.

SubroIQ prides itself on the high level of customer service provided to its clients. We work collaboratively with you to build a custom solution to meet your needs. The backbone of SubroIQ’s process is leveraging data extracts and system access to develop streamlined workflows that reduce client resource requirements and engagement protocols are tailored to fit the specific needs of each client.

Reporting and program metrics are always at your fingertips via SubroIQ’s web-based PowerBI dashboard. This tool provides our clients with complete transparency, no matter where they are, down to claim level, regarding the overall program status.

Interested in learning more?

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